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Individuation Meaning and Afterlife

In Jungian psychology by Jesamine2 Comments

Individuation, meaning in our case, Jung’s idea is a topic of deep curiosity and a lot of misunderstanding. One of the most compelling questions about this concept is whether individuation has a final point of culmination or if it is an unending journey. To probe this question, we must delve deeply into Carl Jung’s perspectives on the human psyche and …

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Jungian Archetypes in Modern Psychotherapy

In Jungian Archetypes by JesamineLeave a Comment

I want to start by saying that throughout this text, I will use the phrase Jungian archetypes for keyword purposes only.  That phrase reduces the complexity and dynamism of the human psyche. Carl Jung’s idea of archetypes aren’t fixed-number entities or distinct categories; they’re flexible, fundamental psychic patterns mirroring universal themes and experiences resonant in the collective unconscious.  Instead of …

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Carl Jung Homosexuality and the Mystery of Love

In Jungian psychology by JesamineLeave a Comment

Recently someone asked me if C.G. Jung thought homosexuality was a mental illness.  The short answer is, emphatically, no, no, no!  Jung was not that categorical about anything.  Even though he was from a time when it was not yet socially accepted, to Jung homosexuality was not necessarily problematic.  For Jung homosexuality was even the spiritual destiny of some people. …

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Transference Psychology in Jungian Analysis

In Jungian Analysis by Jesamine7 Comments

Someone once asked the question, “Does transference always occur between a client and a therapist? If both hold the adult ego state, does that eliminate transference?”  The qualifying statement in this question – if both hold the adult ego state – assumes that transference psychology is only about an infantile, parental attachment to the therapist, but that is not so. Also, …

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Anxiety & Depression: Jungian Perspective on Finding Meaning

In Jungian Analysis by Jesamine20 Comments

Okay, so the above quote is not exactly what Jung said.  He actually said that a neurosis is a substitute for legitimate suffering.  We’ll get to that later… Conventional approaches treat anxiety and depression as though anxiety and depression are the problems in and of themselves, rather than the symptoms of an underlying imbalance in the whole person. Analytical Psychology, …