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Jungian Archetypes in Modern Psychotherapy

In Jungian Archetypes by JesamineLeave a Comment

I want to start by saying that throughout this text, I will use the phrase Jungian archetypes for keyword purposes only.  That phrase reduces the complexity and dynamism of the human psyche. Carl Jung’s idea of archetypes aren’t fixed-number entities or distinct categories; they’re flexible, fundamental psychic patterns mirroring universal themes and experiences resonant in the collective unconscious.  Instead of …

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The Shadow: What You Do Behind Your Own Back

In Jungian Archetypes by Jesamine11 Comments

The shadow is one of those concepts that has made its way into everyday language, but I wonder how many people know that it comes from C.G. Jung.  What I am about to share about the shadow does not even come close to its profound mystery.  You can never really know the shadow or fully integrate the shadow.  All of …